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(339) 298-1124


Walsh Home Inspections offers clients the opportunity to add on a wood-destroying (WDI) insect inspection for an additional fee. While optional for many clients, certain mortgages require that a WDI be conducted. Mortgages that do require a WDI inspection typically include Federal Housing Authority (FHA), Veterans’ Association (VA) and United State Department of Agriculture (USDA).

It is the responsibility of the purchaser to confirm if they need a WDI inspection prior to the start of the home inspection.

If a WDI is requested, please note the following:

  • All WDI inspections conducted will have a NPMA-33 form completed by the inspector.
  • The NPMA-33 form will be given to the purchaser onsite at the inspection and also sent electronically in conjunction with the home inspection report.
  • The mortgage company will likely require that you send them an electronic copy of this form.

Important Note for All VA Mortgages:

The Veterans’ Association requires that WDI inspection fees be paid for by someone other than the purchaser. Therefore, the following steps must taken for all VA loans:

  • The WDI inspection fee of $50 must be paid by someone other than the purchaser.
  • The $50 fee is payable via check or cash at the time of inspection.
  • This check must be separate from the payment for the home inspection fee.
  • If the payer would like to use a credit card to pay for the WDI inspection, please contact the office for assistance.